Tagged multiliteracies

Composite profile for 'Ima Student.' The profile starts with an introduction and an image of the Colombian flag in the top third of the profile. In the bottom section, the profile has numbered three literacies with three headings. The first heading is Colombian Spanish and, it includes a link to a YouTube video demonstrating the literacy. The profile also includes descriptions about Ima Student’s social media literacy and their music literacy.

Diluting the Dominance of SAE: A Multiliteracies Profile Sequence and Assignment

L. Corinne Jones

This Multimodal Profile, supplemental paper, and assignment sequence was designed to help students build a bridge between their social media compositions and their academic compositions to promote high-road transfer and value students’ multiliteracies.

Read more… Diluting the Dominance of SAE: A Multiliteracies Profile Sequence and Assignment

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