

January 2016

12 Introduction
14 Twitter; Poetry Packet
19 Read Poetry Packet
21 Poetry Packet; Read The Intentional Fallacy; Poetry Essay Assigned
26 Audio; Read "A Tale of Two Soundscapes."
28 Poetry Essay Draft Due; Read E-Poems:

February 2016

2 Read "S/Z" excerpts; E-poem Assigned
4 E-poem
9 E-Poem
11 E-Poem
16 E-Poem; Discuss Poetry Essay Revisions
18 E-Poem Due; E-poetry Walkthrough
23 Fiction; Read "Cathedral"
25 Read "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been"

March 2016

1 Read "Adaptation Studies at a Crossroads"; Film Review 
3 Watch No Country for Old Men (rather than hold class, watch the film on your own--tweet it)
6 E-poetry Walkthrough due; Poetry Essay Revision Due
8 Read No Country for Old Men (1st half);
10 Read No Country for Old Men (2nd half); Work on Film Review
15 Break
17 Break
22 Film Review due; Read Watchmen (Chs 1-3)
24 Read Watchmen (complete)
29 E-Poetry Revisions due; E-poetry Citation and Revision Video Assigned
31 E-Poetry Citation and Revision Video

April 2016

5 E-Poetry Citation and Revision Video due (for those with finished revisions)
7 Video Catch-up Day (online)
12 Read "A Digital Manifesto"
14 Promotional Video
19 Promotional Video; Portfolio
21 Promotional Video; Portfolio
26 Promotional Video; Portfolio
Final Exam, May 3rd at 12:00 Promotional Video Presentation