
Originating in an English 150 Introduction to Literary Studies course taught at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, this collection has been curated by Daniel Anderson (the instructor) and Emily Shepherd (a student in the course). You will find here a collection of e-poems. In addition, you can explore a range of materials related to these poems. You will find drafts of the poems, multimedia reflections on the composing of the poems, multimedia reflections on revisions and citations related to the poems, and videos with reflections on larger aspects of learning related to the projects. You will also find selected portfolios in which students reflect on all of these materials. Although Anderson and Shepherd have curated these materials, they represent the collaborative work of the class as a whole. At times in these pages, we will refer to the class as "we" to represent the shared sense of our collective endeavor. 

Sonder by Emily DanesE-poetry provides a vehicle for low-threshold digital composing that enables students with a wide range of backgrounds to become producers of multimodal knowledge (Anderson). Emily Danes, for instance, notes that she had no experience composing digital videos, yet she was quickly able to produce the e-poem, "Sonder." Video portfolio pieces extend the composing process by providing opportunities for reflections through creative production. The projects include a number of student-created e-poems and associated e-portfolio videos. Emily Shepherd Citation Video

These pieces reveal learning that takes place when composing digital videos, particularly learning related to the use of multimedia materials. For instance, in her citation video, Emily Shepherd points to the ways decisions about use of sources furthered her understanding of poetry and her knowledge of intellectual property. E-poems quickly engage students intellectually with music, images, and text. And these concerns are not just compositional but also personal, highlighting the ways that e-poetry operates as a cultural practice (Baetens and Van Loy).

Madison Forsey Portfolio VideoThe e-poetry artifacts and e-portfolio reflections created in the class foreground student production and distribute authority, with portfolios playing a key role "[by giving] the teacher less power. . . ." (Belanoff and Elbow 35) and promoting "opportunities for students to self-evaluate their own growth" (Klenowski 3). Pieces like Madison Forsey's Portfolio Video cast students as producers of new knowledge as they "theorize from and about [their] own practices, making knowledge and coming to understandings that will themselves be revised through reflections" (Yancey 6).