Photo credit for Biosystems Engineering banner image: Kirk Copley
Photo credit for English Education banner image: Katelynne Rogers
For their generosity in both talking with us about their programs and in reading drafts to ensure we captured their programs accurately, we’d like to thank ePortfolio Project Cohort members Oladiran Fasina (Biosystems Engineering), Kelley Noll (Nursing), Brandon Sams (English Education), and Bonnie Sanderson (Nursing). We’d also like to recognize the students who gave us permission to feature their work: Kelbi Burgering (English Education), Kirk Copley (Biosystems Engineering), Elizabeth D'Amico (Nursing), Paisley Guo (Biosystems Engineering), Geoffrey Lein (Biosystems Engineering), Ann Nunnelley (Biosystems Engineering), Katelynne Rogers (English Education), Hannah Lynne Sims (Nursing), and Katie Thornbury (English Education). Last but not least, we’d like to thank Margaret Marshall, Director of University Writing, and the rest of the QEP Development Committee who envisioned a structure for the ePortfolio Project at Auburn University that resolutely prioritizes student learning.
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