Tagged student research

A banner for a student website, featuring a menu below a 19th century painting of many women in Graeco-Roman antiquity.

Ushering “Women in Antiquity” into the Modern Classroom

Chelsea A.M. Gardner

This assignment was created for a 200-level course cross-listed between Classics and Women & Gender Studies, entitled “Women in Mediterranean Antiquity.” The website is a work-in-progress, and any questions or collaboration inquiries can be sent to chelsea.gardner@acadiau.ca.

Read more… Ushering “Women in Antiquity” into the Modern Classroom

A map of the landmass claimed by the United States, annotated with Indigenous territories and insets about religious practices.

Digital Building Blocks for Original Research

Brennan Keegan

This submission details a digital and collaborative encyclopedia entry assignment as a building block for creating research literacy and confidence. Using Padlet, an online platform that enables students and faculty to create digital bulletin boards, students compile and visualize diverse sources into one interactive project.

Read more… Digital Building Blocks for Original Research

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