Table of Contents: Issue Ten

Anne Donlon, Amanda Licastro, and Dominique Zino

Learning and Reflecting with ISUComm ePortfolios: Exploring Technological and Curricular Places
Bryan Lutz, Barbara Blakely, Kathy Rose, and Thomas M. Ballard

ePortfolios and Individualized, Interdisciplinary Learning: A Case Study
Nick Likos and Jenny Kijowski

I Lit: An E-Poetry, E-Portfolio Exhibit
Daniel Anderson and Emily Sheppard

More Than Assessment: What ePortfolios Make Possible for Students, Faculty, and Curricula
Lesley Erin Bartlett, Heather C. W. Stuart, Justin K. Owensby, and Jordan R. Davis

RePort_Bot: A Computational Approach to ePortfolios and Reflection
Ryan Omizo

Interview: Bret Eynon, Joseph Ugoretz, Laura M. Gambino
in conversation with Dominique Zino

Design for Transformational Learning with an ePortfolio
Beata Jones and Daxton Stewart

Issue Ten Masthead

Issue Editors
Anne Donlon
Amanda Licastro
Dominique Zino

Managing Editor
Laura Wildemann Kane

Stephen Brier
Kiersten Greene
Laura Wildemann Kane
Jojo Karlin
Andrew Lucchesi
Michelle McSweeney

Style and Structure Editors
Stephen Brier
Benjamin Miller

Staging Committee
Kiersten Greene
Kimon Keramidas
Benjamin Miller
Christy Pottroff
Danica Savonick
Sava Saheli Singh
Luke Waltzer

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