Tagged faculty engagement

The image features a person, viewed from behind on the right side, reading a paper titled "ePortfolio Project: Reflective Writing." Behind the paper, a laptop is open. Several other students work in the background.

More Than Assessment: What ePortfolios Make Possible for Students, Faculty, and Curricula


To disrupt the notion that ePortfolios are primarily an assessment tool, this article-as-ePortfolio invites readers to consider what is made possible when ePortfolio initiatives lead with student learning in their structure and implementation. In addition to descriptions of both faculty and student support, we offer extended examples of ePortfolio implementation in three disparate programs at our university: Biosystems Engineering, English Education, and Nursing. To conclude, we reflect on the pedagogical challenges and opportunities that have emerged as a result of the structure and implementation of our ePortfolio initiative. Ultimately, we aim to demonstrate what is made possible for students, faculty, and curricula when ePortfolio initiatives prioritize student learning.

Editor’s Note

Lesley Erin Bartlett, Heather Stuart, Justin K. Owensby, and Jordan R. Davis have created an ePortfolio about ePortfolios. At JITP, we celebrate such confluence of form and content. After exploring various options for rendering this work on our site, we found the iframe to be the best solution. We recognize that an iframe may not render the contents of this piece correctly on all devices and apologize for any inconvenience; for a full-screen experience, please see https://jitp.commons.gc.cuny.edu/wp-content/static/JITP-Bartlett-et-al/.

About the Authors

Lesley Erin Bartlett is Assistant Director of University Writing at Auburn University. Her primary responsibility is the ePortfolio Project, which is housed in the Office of University Writing. She received her PhD in Composition and Rhetoric with a specialization in Women’s and Gender Studies from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 2014. She has developed and taught courses in composition, rhetorical theory, literature, and women’s and gender studies. Her research interests include composition theory and pedagogy, inclusive pedagogies, feminist rhetorical theory, and rhetorical performance.

Heather Stuart is the Program Administrator for the ePortfolio Project at Auburn University. In her current role she provides support for students by facilitating workshops, teaching classes, creating resources, and advising students in the ambassador program. She received her M.Ed. in Administration of Higher Education.

Justin K. Owensby is a graduate assistant for the ePortfolio Project in the Office of University Writing at Auburn University. His work with the ePortfolio Project involves facilitating ePortfolio presentations and workshops and focuses on visual and ethical literacy in ePortfolios. He is also a PhD candidate in the department of Health Outcomes Research and Policy, where he is interested in integrating mobile health technology into healthcare. He is also interested in teaching, faculty development, and technologies (such as ePortfolios) associated with student learning.

Jordan R. Davis is a graduate assistant for the ePortfolio Project in the Office of University Writing at Auburn University. He is currently a candidate for the Master of Technical and Professional Communication, where he has found an interest in the use of rhetoric to capture the attention of readers. His current research focuses on the reliability of product reaction cards as a data collection instrument for usability tests. He tweets @courageousdavis.

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