This Week in Digital Humanities and Pedagogy

Each week, a member of the JITP Editorial Collective assembles and shares the news items, ongoing discussions, and upcoming events of interest to us (and hopefully you). This week’s installment is edited by Renee McGarry.

This week I want to indulge myself by highlighting conversations around “marginalization” in the academy, and the ways in which claiming marginalization has become almost fetishized. I’ve put together a group of events, conversations, news items, and calls for participation that can be seen and understood as coming from the margins in some way shape or form. I’ve particularly focused on “the margins” of my own discipline, art, art history, and the art world, out of curiosity as to whether those outside the discipline have the same understanding of centers and peripheries as we do. For example, do those who live outside the confines of the discipline of art history see the art market as tangential to what we do, or as an integral part of it? 

The center, the periphery, the margins, the footnotes of history are all about perspective. Academics have a tendency to lose perspective, and set about thinking they are marginalized when they are just isolated. The ability and desire to position/reposition oneself in the so-called margins speaks to power and privilege. Should we really all fight for the margins, or should we recognize our own privilege, take stock of the diversity of conversations happening in digital humanities and pedagogy, and try to bring those who are oppressed, repressed, and suppressed to the center?

Art History & Pedagogy
Digital Art History – NORDIK 2015

Arts Future Classroom Competition 2015

Digital Art History Workshop Week at the University of Maryland

Questions for an Evolving Discipline, Art History Teaching Resources

The Art World
Review: In ‘Yoko Ono: One Woman Show, 1960-1971’, Text Messages from the Edge
(And while you’re at MoMA see Jacob Lawrence’s Migration Series and Other Works.)

“Sexually sick” Fox News covers up breasts and genitals in Pablo Picasso’s Women of Algiers

Meet the Rising Stars of the Digital Art World

Entire First-Year MFA Class Drops Out in Protest at USC

The Whitney Museum of American Art opens downtown, but not without some controversy involving a 22-year-old review.

CFP: Indigenous Knowledge: Other Ways of Knowing (a new open access journal)

Women’s History in the Digital World

Lesbian Herstory Archives

Academia and Its Discontents

Did we miss something? Send hot tips, cool CFPs, and warmly worded rants to [email protected].

'This Week in Digital Humanities and Pedagogy' has 1 comment

  1. October 23, 2022 @ 1:12 pm Rockbie

    nice information


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