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Table of Contents: Issue Fifteen

Lisa Brundage, Teresa Ober, and Luke Waltzer

“So You Want to Build a Digital Archive?” A Dialogue on Critical Digital Humanities Graduate Pedagogy
Bibhushana Poudyal and Laura Gonzales

Confidence and Critical Thinking Are Differentially Affected by Content Intelligibility and Source Reliability: Implications for Game-Based Learning in Higher Education
Robert O. Duncan

Music Making in Scratch: High Floors, Low Ceilings, and Narrow Walls?
William Payne and S. Alex Ruthmann

Digital Game-Based Pedagogies: Developing Teaching Strategies for Game-Based Learning
Cristyne Hébert and Jennifer Jenson

Creating Dynamic Undergraduate Learning Laboratories through Collaboration Between Archives, Libraries, and Digital Humanities
Kent Gerber, Charlie Goldberg, and Diana L. Magnuson

Teaching with Objects: Individuating Media Archaeology in Digital Studies
Zach Whalen

“Imagining What We Don’t Know”: Technological Ignorance as Condition for Learning
Filipa Calado

What Do You Do with 11,000 Blogs? Preserving, Archiving, and Maintaining UMW Blogs—A Case Study
Angie Kemp, Lee Skallerup Bessette, and Kris Shaffer

Issue Fifteen Masthead

Issue Editors
Lisa Brundage
Teresa Ober
Luke Waltzer

Managing Editor
Patrick DeDauw

Param Ajmera
Elizabeth Alsop
Patrick DeDauw
Jojo Karlin
Benjamin Miller
Angel David Nieves
Brandon Walsh
Nicole Zeftel

Staging Editors
Inés Vañó García
Lisa Brundage
Anne Donlon
Laura Wildemann Kane
Krystyna Michael
Benjamin Miller
Teresa Ober
Danica Savonick
sava saheli singh
Luke Waltzer

'Table of Contents: Issue Fifteen' has 4 comments

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  3. January 20, 2024 @ 5:28 am Jessica Henry

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  4. October 19, 2023 @ 6:10 am RANA ARHAM

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