Table of Contents
Anna Alexis Larsson, Teresa Ober, and Nicole Zeftel
Classmates, Family, Friends, Followers, Allies, Opponents, Enemies, Bosses, Trolls, Haters, Users, and Google: Understanding Digital Audiences On YouTube
Sean Molloy and Carissa Kelly
The Rhetorical Implications of Data Aggregation: Becoming a “Dividual” in a Data-Driven World
Charles Woods and Noah Wilson
Experiential Approaches to Teaching African Culture and the Politics of Representation: Building the “Documenting Africa” Project with StoryMapJS
Mary Anne Lewis Cusato and Nancy Demerdash-Fatemi
Collaborative Digital Projects in the Undergraduate Humanities Classroom: Case Studies with Timeline JS
Spencer D. C. Keralis, Courtney E. Jacobs, and Matthew Weirick Johnson
Forum on Teaching in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Assessing the Effectiveness of Using Live Interactions and Feedback to Increase Engagement in Online Learning
Beth Porter, John Doucette, Andrew Reilly, Dan Calacci, Burcin Bozkaya, and Alex Pentland
The Help Desk as a Community-Building Tool for Online Professional Development
Salome Apkhazishvili, Serene Arena, and Renee Hobbs
Interdisciplinary Approach to a Coping Skills App: A Case Study
Antigoni Kotsiou, Erica Juriasingani, Marc Maromonte, Jacob Marsh, Christopher R. Shelton, Richard Zhao, and Lisa Jo Elliott
“The Future Started Yesterday and We’re Already Late”: The Case for Antiracist Online Teaching
David L. Humphrey and Camea Davis
Trauma-Informed Pedagogy in the Digital Media Pandemic Classroom
Michael Mandiberg
Collaboration, Risk, and Pedagogies of Care: Looking to a Postpandemic Future
Mary Frances (Molly) Buckley-Marudas and Shelley E. Rose
Issue Nineteen Masthead
Issue Editors
Anna Alexis Larsson
Teresa Ober
Nicole Zeftel
Managing Editor
Patrick DeDauw
Param Ajmera
Elizabeth Alsop
Patrick DeDauw
Jojo Karlin
Sarah Soanirina Ohmer
Angel David Nieves
Brandon Walsh
Anna Zeemont
Dominique Zino
Staging Editors
Patrick DeDauw
Kelly Hammond
Laura Wildemann Kane
Sarah Whitcomb Laiola
Danica Savonick
sava saheli singh
Luke Waltzer
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