Tagged table of contents

A telephone poll in black and white at night has a poster on it that reads 'Big Data is Watching You.'

Table of Contents

Chris Gilliard and sava saheli singh

Themed Articles

Toward Abolishing Online Proctoring: Counter-Narratives, Deep Change, and Pedagogies of Educational Dignity
Charles Logan

Back Doors, Trap Doors, and Fourth-Party Deals: How You End up with Harmful Academic Surveillance Technology on Your Campus without Even Knowing
Autumm Caines and Sarah Silverman

Soft Surveillance: Social Media Filter Bubbles as an Invitation to Critical Digital Literacies
Jessica Kester and Joel Schneier

Resisting Surveillance, Practicing/Imagining the End of Grading
Marianne Madoré, Anna Zeemont, Joaly Burgos, Jane Guskin, Hailey Lam, and Andréa Stella

Themed Views from the Field

Why Don’t You Trust Us?
Sinéad Doyle

The New LMS Rule: Transparency Working Both Ways
Lance Eaton

Pedagogy and the Expansion of Surveillance at the City University of New York
Marc Kagan

Black Mirror Pedagogy: Dystopian Stories for Technoskeptical Imaginations
Daniel G. Krutka, Autumm Caines, Marie K. Heath, and K. Bret Staudt Willet

Field Notes from the Education to Employment Pipeline: A Career Development Perspective
Chris Miciek

General Articles

Authoring an Open-Source Game for a Faculty Open Educational Resources Workshop: A Case Study
Katherine Foshko Tsan

Poetry in Your Pocket: Streaming Playlists and the Pedagogy of Poetic Interpretation
Stephen Grandchamp

Issue Twenty Masthead

Issue Editors
Chris Gilliard
sava saheli singh

Editorial Assistant
Chanta Shenell Palmer

Managing Editor
Patrick DeDauw

Param Ajmera
Patrick DeDauw
Kelly Hammond
Jojo Karlin
Benjamin Miller
Brandon Walsh
Nicole Zeftel
Dominique Zino

Staging Editors
Inés Vañó García
Jojo Karlin
Anne Donlon
Kelly Hammond
Laura Wildemann Kane
Teresa Ober
Danica Savonick
Luke Waltzer

A screenshot of a Zoom classroom is obscured by a visual filter.

Table of Contents

Anna Alexis Larsson, Teresa Ober, and Nicole Zeftel

Classmates, Family, Friends, Followers, Allies, Opponents, Enemies, Bosses, Trolls, Haters, Users, and Google: Understanding Digital Audiences On YouTube
Sean Molloy and Carissa Kelly

The Rhetorical Implications of Data Aggregation: Becoming a “Dividual” in a Data-Driven World
Charles Woods and Noah Wilson

Experiential Approaches to Teaching African Culture and the Politics of Representation: Building the “Documenting Africa” Project with StoryMapJS
Mary Anne Lewis Cusato and Nancy Demerdash-Fatemi

Collaborative Digital Projects in the Undergraduate Humanities Classroom: Case Studies with Timeline JS
Spencer D. C. Keralis, Courtney E. Jacobs, and Matthew Weirick Johnson

Forum on Teaching in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Assessing the Effectiveness of Using Live Interactions and Feedback to Increase Engagement in Online Learning
Beth Porter, John Doucette, Andrew Reilly, Dan Calacci, Burcin Bozkaya, and Alex Pentland

The Help Desk as a Community-Building Tool for Online Professional Development
Salome Apkhazishvili, Serene Arena, and Renee Hobbs

Interdisciplinary Approach to a Coping Skills App: A Case Study
Antigoni Kotsiou, Erica Juriasingani, Marc Maromonte, Jacob Marsh, Christopher R. Shelton, Richard Zhao, and Lisa Jo Elliott

“The Future Started Yesterday and We’re Already Late”: The Case for Antiracist Online Teaching
David L. Humphrey and Camea Davis

Trauma-Informed Pedagogy in the Digital Media Pandemic Classroom
Michael Mandiberg

Collaboration, Risk, and Pedagogies of Care: Looking to a Postpandemic Future
Mary Frances (Molly) Buckley-Marudas and Shelley E. Rose

Issue Nineteen Masthead

Issue Editors
Anna Alexis Larsson
Teresa Ober
Nicole Zeftel

Managing Editor
Patrick DeDauw

Param Ajmera
Elizabeth Alsop
Patrick DeDauw
Jojo Karlin
Sarah Soanirina Ohmer
Angel David Nieves
Brandon Walsh
Anna Zeemont
Dominique Zino

Staging Editors
Patrick DeDauw
Kelly Hammond
Laura Wildemann Kane
Sarah Whitcomb Laiola
Danica Savonick
sava saheli singh
Luke Waltzer

A hand holds a phone camera over a pile of leaves, with a pair of flip flops apparently made of grass in the center.

Table of Contents

Kelly Hammond, Gregory J. Palermo, and Brandon Walsh

Reading Texts in Digital Environments: Applications of Translation Alignment for Classical Language Learning
Chiara Palladino

Back in a Flash: Critical Making Pedagogies to Counter Technological Obsolescence
Sarah Whitcomb Laiola

Make-Ready: Fabricating a Bibliographic Community
Courtney Jacobs, Marcia McIntosh, and Kevin M. O’Sullivan

Using Wikipedia in the Composition Classroom and Beyond: Encyclopedic “Neutrality,” Social Inequality, and Failure as Subversion
Cherrie Kwok

Interdisciplinarity and Teamwork in Virtual Reality Design
Ole Molvig and Bobby Bodenheimer

Supporting Data Visualization Services in Academic Libraries
Negeen Aghassibake, Justin Joque, and Matthew L. Sisk

Forum on Data and Computational Pedagogy

Ethnographies of Datasets: Teaching Critical Data Analysis through R Notebooks
Lindsay Poirier

Thinking Through Data in the Humanities and in Engineering
Elizabeth Alice Honig, Deb Niemeier, Christian F. Cloke, and Quint Gregory

Numbering Ulysses: Digital Humanities, Reductivism, and Undergraduate Research
Erik Simpson

Data Fail: Teaching Data Literacy with African Diaspora Digital Humanities
Jennifer Mahoney, Roopika Risam, and Hibba Nassereddine

Data Literacy in Media Studies: Strategies for Collaborative Teaching of Critical Data Analysis and Visualization
Andrew Battista, Katherine Boss, and Marybeth McCartin

Issue Eighteen Masthead

Issue Editors
Kelly Hammond
Gregory J. Palermo
Brandon Walsh

Managing Editor
Patrick DeDauw

Param Ajmera
Elizabeth Alsop
Patrick DeDauw
Jojo Karlin
Benjamin Miller
Angel David Nieves
Nicole Zeftel
Dominique Zino

Staging Editors
Danica Savonick
Patrick DeDauw
Laura Wildemann Kane
Anna Alexis Larsson
Krystyna Michael
Teresa Ober
sava saheli singh
Inés Vañó García
Luke Waltzer

Vintage advertisement showing a typewriter and the words “a variety of work on the same machine.

Table of Contents: Issue Fifteen

Lisa Brundage, Teresa Ober, and Luke Waltzer

“So You Want to Build a Digital Archive?” A Dialogue on Critical Digital Humanities Graduate Pedagogy
Bibhushana Poudyal and Laura Gonzales

Confidence and Critical Thinking Are Differentially Affected by Content Intelligibility and Source Reliability: Implications for Game-Based Learning in Higher Education
Robert O. Duncan

Music Making in Scratch: High Floors, Low Ceilings, and Narrow Walls?
William Payne and S. Alex Ruthmann

Digital Game-Based Pedagogies: Developing Teaching Strategies for Game-Based Learning
Cristyne Hébert and Jennifer Jenson

Creating Dynamic Undergraduate Learning Laboratories through Collaboration Between Archives, Libraries, and Digital Humanities
Kent Gerber, Charlie Goldberg, and Diana L. Magnuson

Teaching with Objects: Individuating Media Archaeology in Digital Studies
Zach Whalen

“Imagining What We Don’t Know”: Technological Ignorance as Condition for Learning
Filipa Calado

What Do You Do with 11,000 Blogs? Preserving, Archiving, and Maintaining UMW Blogs—A Case Study
Angie Kemp, Lee Skallerup Bessette, and Kris Shaffer

Issue Fifteen Masthead

Issue Editors
Lisa Brundage
Teresa Ober
Luke Waltzer

Managing Editor
Patrick DeDauw

Param Ajmera
Elizabeth Alsop
Patrick DeDauw
Jojo Karlin
Benjamin Miller
Angel David Nieves
Brandon Walsh
Nicole Zeftel

Staging Editors
Inés Vañó García
Lisa Brundage
Anne Donlon
Laura Wildemann Kane
Krystyna Michael
Benjamin Miller
Teresa Ober
Danica Savonick
sava saheli singh
Luke Waltzer

Watercolor showing bookstack with notes scattered nearby. A sign reads "pencils only."

Table of Contents: Issue Fourteen

Danica Savonick, Jojo Karlin, and Stephen Klein

Possibly Impossible; Or, Teaching Undergraduates to Confront Digital and Archival Research Methodologies, Social Media Networking, and Potential Failure 
Rebekah Fitzsimmons and Suzan Alteri

From Page to Screen and Back Again: Archives-Centered Pedagogy in the 21st Century Writing Classroom
Elizabeth Davis, Nancee Reeves, and Teresa Saxton

Crowdsourcing Traumatic History: Understanding the Historial Archive
Kristi Girdharry

Digital Paxton: Collaborative Construction with Eighteenth-Century Manuscript Collections
Will Fenton, Kate Johnson, and Kelly Schmidt

The Space Between Researcher, Object, Institution: Building Collaborative Knowledge with Primary Sources
Mary Catherine Kinniburgh

Narrating Memory through Rhetorical Reflections: CUNY Students and Their Archives
Wendy Hayden, María Hernández-Ojeda, and Iris Finkel

Engaging Women’s History through Collaborative Archival Wikipedia Projects  

Ariella Rotramel, Rebecca Parmer, and Rose Oliveira

Collaboration Adventures with Primary Sources: Exploring Creative and Digital Outputs
Jennifer Needham and Jeanann Croft Haas

Realizing the Past: Charting a Course for Sustainable Instruction and Engagement with Archival Materials Using Augmented and Virtual Reality Technologies
Amanda G. Pellerin, Ximin Mi, and Alison Valk

Branching Out: Using Historical Records to Connect with the Environment
Wendy Wasman, Thomas Beatman, Shanon Donnelly, Kathryn Flinn, Jeremy Spencer, and Ryan Trimbath

Views from the Field

Teaching Colonial Translations Through Archives: From Ink and Quill to XML (Or Not)
Allison Margaret Bigelow

Diving into the Wreck: (Re)Creating the Archive in the First Year Writing Classroom 
Maxine Krenzel and Daisy Atterbury

Born-Digital Archives in the Undergraduate Classroom
Mackenzie Brooks

How a Digital Collaboration at Oberlin College Between Archivists, Faculty, Students and Librarians Found Its Muse in Mary Church Terrell, Nineteenth-Century Feminist and Civil Rights Icon
Ken Grossi, Alexia Hudson-Ward, Carol Lasser, Sarah Minion, and Natalia Shevin

Issue Fourteen Masthead

Issue Editors
Danica Savonick
Jojo Karlin
Stephen Klein

Managing Editor
Patrick DeDauw

Anne Donlon
Patrick DeDauw
Jojo Karlin
Benjamin Miller
Nicole Zeftel

Style and Structure Editor
Dominique Zino

Staging Editors
Teresa Ober
Lisa Brundage
Anne Donlon
Krystyna Michael
Benjamin Miller
Danica Savonick
sava saheli singh
Inés Vañó García
Luke Waltzer

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